We encourage interest on the part of parents/guardians in school programs and student activities. However, in order to make certain of school safety, no unauthorized persons may enter the school. All classroom visits require an appointment pre-arranged with the classroom teacher. We appreciate a call to schedule an appointment to visit classrooms.Any school employee who sees, or is informed of, an unauthorized person in or near the school must report that fact to the building principal. Visitors attending an assembly program are not required to sign the visitor’s register.
ALL VISITORS will report to the school office when entering the building, sign the visitor’s register and receive authorization (a pass) to visit elsewhere in the building.
"We believe standard dress has a positive impact on students' learning and behavior in and around the school, serves to unite students, increases school pride, and eliminates class barriers. While uniforms are not required for students, they are highly encouraged. Students are encouraged to wear uniforms consisting of burgundy or gray tops paired with black bottoms."
We use www.weather.com to determine the current temperature. As a guideline, if the temperature is at or below zero degrees, or a wind chill below -5 degrees, the children will stay inside. Determination of the outdoor activities will be decided by the building principal. Students will need appropriate winter clothing. Coats, hats, mittens, snow pants, and boots are necessary during the winter months because all students have recess outside on a daily basis.
If you are moving out of town, the school office must be notified at least a day in advance so that the proper transfer records can be prepared and the child’s supplies collected. Students will be dropped from their schedules when our Registrar has received a Request for Records from another school OR when a student has been absent for fifteen (15) consecutive school days.
No student shall be released to any non-parent/guardian or transported to a location other than the location originally designated by the parent/guardian without written permission or personal telephone contact with the parent/guardian.
The school can assume no responsibility for personal belongings brought to school by the children. Personal electronic devices (video games, iPads, etc.) are discouraged during the school day. Please do not send toys or electronic devices with your child.
Student cell phones may not be used during the school day. The office has access to a telephone in an emergency. All personal plans should be taken care of before the student comes to school. Schools are not responsible for lost or stolen electronic equipment. Other items not allowed in school: Trading Cards, Fidget Spinners, Skateboards.
Please notify the school of any change of address or telephone number. Make sure that the school is aware, at all times, of your correct phone number plus that of a neighbor, friend or relative to contact in the event of an emergency that might occur.